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Sociology 4 Project

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South University
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Running head: SOCIOLOGY 4 PROJECT 1 Sociology 4 project Student’s Name Professor Course Date SOCIOLOGY 4 PROJECT 2 Introduction Deviance behavior is widely known as special terms that societies apply to label behaviors that seem to be strange or differ from certain social norms within particular vicinity. Thus this implies that for a specific action to be accepted it must conform to values and standards of the society. Deviance behaviors are aligned into three categories, including Folkways, mores, and laws. Thus, this essay will delve more on Folkways. In essence, folkways can be best described as basic daily norms founded on customs, traditions, and moral values, and they may include but not limited to eating patterns, dressing mode, and personal space. Therefore, this essay will explore the violation of one folkway, in particular, not offering a seat to an older woman in a public transport system to see how people will react. In pursuit of violating folkway to see how people will react, I decided to enter into a bus, and if a pregnant or older person comes after that and find that there are no more seats, I will not offer my place to see the way people will react. Luckil ...
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