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Running head: INTERNATIONAL MARKETING International Marketing Name Institution 1 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING 2 Part One In the case of marketing, it will always exist in areas which have by a large extent been shaped by culture. This is especially the case for the companies that are engaged in global marketing and trade. That being the case, ignoring the role that is played by culture can create a huge risk for the company. As a result, there are different aspects of culture that should be addressed by the company that is hoping to participate in international trade and marketing. Firstly, it is the language. In this case, there different languages that are found all over the world. Hence when a company is designing its products then it will have to use a language that is prominent in that area (Cateora, 2016). Secondly, it is the customs and taboos that exist in a certain country. In this case, places like the Middle East do not accept any form of nudity. As well, in places like Japan, number four is considered unlucky. With all that in mind, a company will have to take into consideration such issues. Lastly, it is the values that are prominent in a place. For instance, in place ...
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