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Amazon External Report

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Running head: AMAZON EXTERNAL REPORT Amazon External Report Name: Institutional affiliation 1 AMAZON EXTERNAL REPORT 2 Amazon External Report Explanation of the Industry Amazon Inc. Company is one of the multinational technology companies that concentrate on artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and e-commerce, among others. It is among the big four technology organization in addition to Facebook, Apple, and Google. The firm operates in retail as well as technology industries. The retail industry refers to the economic sector that comprises companies and individuals that sells finished products to the consumers. The estimation is that retail consumption contributes to two-thirds of the U.S. GDP. Retailing could take two approaches: Brick-and-Mortar Store Retailers and non-store retailers. In general, businesses that sells finished products to customers fall under the retail sector. In the 2015 financial year, it made more than $24 trillion. According to statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau, there has been an average growth of 4.5% of the total annual U.S. retail sales between 1993 and 2015 (Farfan, 2019). Data from the Retail Customer Loyalty Study indicate that Amazon is a dominating force in the current retail environment. Majority of the customers cite convenience, trust, and positive shopping experience as some of the factors that drive consumer loyalty. The provision of customer-centric services and advocating on efficiency has enabled Amazon to stay at the t ...
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