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Culminating Powerpoint Presentation 1

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Sample Presentation Template for MHRM 6645 Week 8 Assignment [student name] © 2012 Laureate Education Inc. Overview of Project  American Express, Corp. is a multinational corporation dealing in financial     services Change of the CEO of the company. Former CEO of the company, Kenneth Chenault retired, paving way for the selection of Stephen Squeri to become the CEO of the company. The company had in place a succession plan since the succession was caused by the retirement of the current CEO. Talent management was vital in the succession process The Board of Directors, CEO and the HR department played critical roles in the transition. © 2012 Laureate Education Inc. Succession Plan Barriers  The perception that a small organization does not need a succession plan.  Many companies perceive themselves as having many organizational activities, tasks, and risks that are more pressing and need the immediate attention.  The perception that implementation of a succession program is costly and time consuming. © 2012 Laureate Education Inc. Succession Plan  Mission statement: To ensure that every key employee in the firm is a  ✓ ✓ ✓ mentor to two junior staff that can step in to assist in the senior position in case need arises. This is to ensure that all employees have flexible schedules and can easily have a sick day off. Goals of SP: To ensure that all skilled employees in senior positions are mentors to at least two junior staff ...
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