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Running head: LEADERSHIP AND CHANGE Impact of SBL and TLC on the Leadership of Change Institution Affiliation Date 1 LEADERSHIP AND CHANGE 2 Introduction Leadership in organizations is inclusive of very many aspects. A leader is commissioned with very many duties in an organization that require skill to have them fulfilled. A leader within an organization is basically in charge of all the organizational processes and gives direction to these processes. A leader spearheads the execution of various functions to enhance the performance of the organization and to ensure that the organization is able to meet its goals. A leader, therefore, requires having some skills that they can utilize in order to be effective in these duties. The aspect of leadership basically deals with the guiding of processes within the organization. One particular duty for leaders is the leading of an organization through change. The aspect of change is one that is either a significant steppingstone for an organization or the cause of the death of an organization. Change within the corporate environment is inevitable, and at the present era, so much change has swept across the corporate environment. How well a leader interacts with change results in the success or failure of their organization (Hayes, 2018). A leader responds to change in various strategic manners that they have as leaders. The ability to lead change sets leaders apart from each other. Leaders put in multiple skills to guide a partic ...
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