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Proteus Mirabilis

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Lonstar college
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Name 1 Name Institutional Affiliation Unit Date Proteus Mirabilis Proteus Mirabilis was discovered by Gustav Hauser in 1885. The name was borrowed from a character in Greek mythology that was good at changing shapes and evasion which is a marker of this pathogen (Manos & Belas, 246). There are at least five Proteus species which are opportunistic pathogens: Mirabilis, Vulgaris, Penneri, Myxofaciens and Hauseri. Proteus Mirabilis is responsible for the majority of urinary tract infections. Proteus Mirabilis is abundant in water and soil. It can lead to the development of kidney stones, obstruction and renal failure. The pathogen can also cause infection and sepsis on wounds as well as pneumonia. This pathogen is more closely attached to Catheter associated UTIs which are common especially in people who remain catheterized for a good chunk of the time (Manos & Belas, 248). Proteus Mirabilis can also reverse the impact of antibiotic treatment. Identification Cell Morphology Proteus Mirabilis impacts by swarming motility just like is common for all Proteus species. In Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections, formation of biofilm by way of fimbriae and mitigated flagella allows ur ...
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