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Strength And Conditioning For Ice Hockey Centerman Sydney Crosby 1

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Running head: STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING FOR ICE HOCKEY CENTERMAN 1 Strength and Conditioning for Ice Hockey Centerman Name Institution STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING FOR ICE HOCKEY CENTERMAN 2 Strength and Conditioning for Ice Hockey Centerman Practice and training comprise an essential component of improving the strength and performance of an athlete in any sport. Professional athletes require a complete training program that would help improve their overall body strength while focusing on the major areas the player specializes in. The training program has to be periodic for any athlete, including an ice hockey centerman. Periodization is essential in the development of comprehensive training programs that focus on individual sports. Periodization entails breaking down the training programs into several phases across the year with each phase having a particular fitness development to concentrate one. Periodization of programs is essential because of its provision of a progressive buildup an athlete uses in his or her development towards peak fitness and performance. I am name, currently working as a strength and conditioning coach for Sydney Crosby. As a coach seeking to improve the strength and conditioning of a player, one has to focus on the specific areas the player is playing to ensure that he or she excels in them. The following strength and conditioning program focuses on James, who plays for Sydney Crosby as a centerman in the ice hockey sport. His position requires ...
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