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Running head: FINAL ASSIGNMENT 1 Final Assignment Name Tutor Institution Course Date FINAL ASSIGNMENT 2 Introduction A production rejection rate of 2% and a return rate of 5% within a warranty return period are indicators that the company has low quality standards, especially in regards to the ability to match output with customer needs. Implementing a COPIS plan will ensure that the company closely scrutinizes its customer needs, and works backwards in ensuring that the output, process, input, and supplier planning aspects are all tied to customer needs. In order to minimize the number of widget production rejections and returns, the company can adopt a customer centered quality improvement plan which entails managers meeting up and deriving solutions which will ensure improved customer satisfaction. Justification for the quality improvement plan Applying COPIS strategically will offer the department a foundation for realizing long term improvements. COPIC can help the company validate its existing processes as well as the performance measures related to quality, thus identifying the points of improvement. This will help streamline the department and have in place performance measures. COPIS will ensure that the manufacturing process is designed with customer priorities in mind. Failure to align future production improvements to customer needs can lead to improving internal measures which do not improve customer experience. Therefore, through COPIC, the business will b ...
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