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Stratford University
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1 Running head: PSYCHOLOGY Psychology Student Name Institution Affiliation 2 PSYCHOLOGY Psychology Task Various things can cause stress in kids, one of those factors being separation from their parents. This caused by the fact that children's have attained that age of attending school. Being in a new environment that they are not used to and looking around, not seeing their parents/caregiver makes them anxious. Most of them end up having a feeling of anxiety. Another factor is parent’s quarrels at home, where parent’s gets into fights young kids get affected emotionally causing a lot of stress to them. They sometimes don’t get why their parents are fighting. The best way to handle these situations is proper integration and transition to schools. Parents should talk to their kids on the importance of going to school, this way; they do not feel anxious when their parents are not allowed. Furthermore, parents should ensure that they don't fight or argue in front of their kids; this would shield them away from the stress that might be caused by these fights. Lesson Yes when there is a difference in styles of raising kids by parents, at some point it might spell disaster. In ...
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