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Journal Entries

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Miami University
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Running Head: JOURNAL ENTRIES MODULES 8-11 Journal Entries: Modules 8-11 Student Name Institutional Affiliation 1 JOURNAL ENTRIES MODULES 8-11 2 Journal Entries: Modules 8-11 Module Eight/7th Journal Entry Using the framework for identifying sources of conflict (Table 7.1) analyze the situation as to: what type of conflict it is, i.e., what is the source? Why did it occur and/or is continuing? Based on the Alabama court ruling on abortion, my friend and I got into a heated debate where she suggested people should focus on having a pro-choice mentality of allowing women to decide to have a baby or abort it. My stand was based on a respecter of life, which made me argue for pro-life. She explained that the use of laws to dictate women’s decision involving their bodies is a victimizing factor where women are forced by law when making decisions about their bodies. In my family, any form of life is appreciated and is held sacred. In America, feminism has fought for women rights, hence forms the pro-life basis used by my female friend who believes as a woman she has the right to choose what she will do with her body and when it is right for her to have children. From my cultural background, there is limited feminism since it is championed mostly by men. Under the same notion, women rights are limited based on what the men in my culture believe is the right thing for women. Therefore, my female friend believes that when men make such decisions for women, women are left to co ...
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