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Islamic Movements

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American Military University
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Running head: ISLAMIC POLITICAL MOVEMENT Islamic Political Movements Name Course Professor Date 1 ISLAMIC MOVEMENTS 2 In the Middle East, there has been a rise in several Islamic movements, most of which are very influential in the leadership of those countries. Islamist in most Middle Eastern countries now days play the role that was played by leftist parties as well as national liberation movements. The movements are well embedded in the social fabric, and they also understand the need for good governance, which this enables significant influences in the constituencies. This paper will discuss four Islamic movements in the Middle East countries into details (Brown et al., 2006). The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Al-Banna Hassan established Muslim Brotherhood in Ismailia in 1928. It is considered as a political, religious and an Islamic social movement. Although the movement has two other Islamic nations, it has an extensive presence in Egypt, whereby for an extended period, the group has been well-organized, most comprehensive and the most advanced political force. The movement has survived many governmental crackdowns, especially during 1940, 1950 and 1960 after the allegation of assassination plots and the overthrow of the government. The group was officially legalized in 2001 following the revolution. Justice and Freedom Party were formed in the same year, which successfully contested and won the election (Brown et al., 2006). The campaign has deep historical roots t ...
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