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Healing And Autonomy

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Running Head: HEALING AND AUTONOMY Healing and Autonomy Name of Student Institution Date 1 HEALING AND AUTONOMY 2 Healing and Autonomy There is a common law governing physicians which states that people have autonomy and self-determination that entitles them to make their own decisions about whether to take or reject medical treatment. In this case, the patient is a child, the parents are expected to make decisions on this. However, the physician should not have allowed Mike to forego the dialysis because clearly James needed it and that's why when he missed it, his kidneys deteriorated putting his health in more danger. The physician should have explained James' condition to his parents further and the possible outcomes if he did not receive the dialysis at that time, they were having a change of mind to put their faith in consideration. The physician did a good thing allowing Mike and Joanne make a decision about their son’s treatment but he should have stressed on the seriousness of the condition and made them weigh the risks and that the benefits as a result of their decisions. With advance directives, the physician could have avoided the uncertainty that came after the parents ignored the dialysis (Leo, 2007). It could not have meant a disrespect of a patient’s anatomy but it could have been considered that he performed his role as a physician by providing the parents with important information about their son's debilitating condition and possibly given them th ...
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