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Culture Change

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Blinn College
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Running head: CHANGES IN AMERICAN CULTURE Changes in American Culture Name Professor Course Date 1 CHANGES IN AMERICAN CULTURE 2 Changes in American Culture Introduction There is a relationship between culture and consumption that has developed in the contemporary world. This is a relationship that has had many researchers and marketers venture into finding out the deeper meaning that creates this relationship. Culture has a great aspect of human life as it represents some symbolic and hidden meaning. Consumption, on the other hand, has a strong relation to values and social relationships as well as cultural allegiance. To this extent, there has been a shift in America where more and more people are shifting to the consumption of cosmetic products. For example, in 2018 alone, Americans spent about $16.5 billion on cosmetic surgery. This shows the increasing importance of cosmetics to Americans. To better understand, we shall use psychological theories to analyze the culture change behind the cosmetics market in the USA. Discussion Women wear cosmetics as a way of enhancing their beauty. Cosmetics also offer a way for women to self-investigate. In the same way, attractive women have an impact on consumers of various proportions. The main characteristic that lies behind the use of cosmetics is the improvement of one's own attractiveness (Patil & Bakkappa, 2012). This is a feature of cosmetics that has generally made it be confined to women. However, the modern world is se ...
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