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Organization Behavior Theory

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Colorado State University: Global Campus
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Running Head: ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Organizational Behavior Name Institution 1 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR 2 Introduction Organization behavior theory is concerned with how people behave and act within groups or organizational environment (Leonard, 2019). It also examines the relationship that exists between employees, employers, and the organization itself in the organization setting. The principles of organizational behavior are applied within an organization to ensure that the business operates effectively. It is concerned with answering questions on why people behave the way they do, factors that affect job commitment, satisfaction, innovation, and leadership in an organization to improve business performance. However, each problem within the organization has recommendations which could involve adjusting compensation structures, reorganizing teams, and changing the performance evaluation methods, among others. Organizational behavior (OB) borrows from other fields of study, such as political science and psychology, to create a unique field. OB includes topics that are crucial in fostering behaviors that are essential for the survival and effectiveness of an organization including job satisfaction, leadership behavior, and power, employee motivation, conflict resolution, interpersonal communication, team leadership — learning attitude among other topics that ensure the organizational growth and productivity. This shows that organizational behavior theory is more conc ...
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