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Evolving Practice Of Nursing And Patient Care Delivery Models Edited

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Central Florida College - Winter Park
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Running head: NURSING & PATIENT CARE DELIVERY MODELS Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery Models Student's Name Course Modulator Course Title Date of Submission NURSING & PATIENT CARE DELIVERY MODELS Hello everyone, my name is Anita Morgan and I am a nurse practitioner in the surgical unit where I have worked for 10 years. I would like to welcome you to this informal session where I will be discussing the evolving practices of nursing and patient care delivery models under the continuity or continuum of care concept. In the current wave of restructuring the U.S. healthcare system, a lot is bound to change and not only on the curative care but also with the entire disease prevention and wellness programs as well. The ongoing reform is seeking a different approach of devising new approaches and models for example by changing the nursing roles from the acute care setting to community healthcare in a bid to decentralize healthcare (Xue,, 2016; Asarnow, Kolko Miranda & Kazak, 2017). The current episodic system has had major disadvantages, for example, treating patients without a proper follow-up on their recovery, establish lack of patientprovider relationship and poor focus on wellness and prevention of diseases. Additionally, the providers are unable to tract the historical health statuses of patients by considering the socioeconomic factors such as family history, adverse effects, and complications from early life stages. In order to overturn this, th ...
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