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Employment And Staffing Unit 4

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Running Head: EMPLOYMENT AND STAFFING 1 Unit 4 Student Name Employment and Staffing EMPLOYMENT AND STAFFING 2 Introduction Despite many years of struggle for equality in the workplace, there are many organizations where discriminations are still profound. There are many types of workplace discrimination stating with a disability, gender, racial, sexual orientation, and religion, among many others. However, the most dominant cases of discrimination related to the hiring process. Many organizations end up destroying their reputation, losing qualified employees, and losing finance due to lawsuits, but the problem is consistent and, especially in big organizations. One of the most recent cases of hiring discrimination happened in Greyhound Lines, Inc. Answer to Question 1 According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Greyhound Lines committed religious discrimination in their hiring process. EEOC reported that the organization failed to employ a driver because he was practicing Muslim and thus was required to wear an abaya and headscarf. The driver had finished her commercial driving license training and passed the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration while wearing her hijab and the abaya. However, despite the Greyhound supervisor promising that it was fine to work with her dress code in the interview and training process Greyhound refused said that it was a safety hazard and that she should wear a short skirt which was against her belief (EEOC ...
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