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Six Sigma

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Princess Nourah University
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Running head: SIX SIGMA 1 Six Sigma First name Last name Institutional affiliation SIX SIGMA 2 Six Sigma Six Sigma is statistical based techniques and tools focused on reducing process variability and eliminating defects. Its process includes validation, measurement and improvement of activities. Moreover, Six Sigma points out the total number of defects that has come across in an organization and find out how the process is performing on the quantitative aspect. Question 1 Comparing and Contrasting Two of the 6 Sigma Issues that Caterpillar Applied With Potential 6 Sigma Applications At (Your University). As elaborated in the video, Caterpillar Inc. applies Six Sigma throughout its operations. However, before the adoption of the Six Sigma, Caterpillar’s machinery and engines polluted the environment. The organization therefore aimed at reducing health hazard by controlling carbon monoxide and minimizing acid rain by regulating nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide (, 2019). It applied six sigma tools to its engine systems, which included electronics, fuel, air, and after treatments to eliminate defects. As a result, ACERT Technology was developed. The technology reduces emissions at the point of combustion, thus minimizing the release of toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Moreover, the technology enables caterpillar’s engines to meet existing clean air regulations. Another issue that Caterpillar applied included ensurin ...
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