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Running head: HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS Human Immunodeficiency Virus Institution Affiliation Date 1 HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS 2 Introduction Human Immunodeficiency Viruses is one of the most dangerous infections that people have faced. The virus can be found among people from all across the world, and it has negatively affected many different societies. This was because it leads to an individual having a weak immune system that cannot be able to handle the other diseases. The cause of the diseases is the virus, which is under the Lentivirus category. This virus then causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and this is what affects the health of an individual by making it hard to fight other diseases. Community nursing can help control the spread and also offer medications to those that are affected to allow them to live longer. Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Symptoms Within a few weeks of being infected with HIV, there are clear symptoms that people have among them being the fever. A person can also experience a sore throat as they swallow items and fatigue when working and being involved in different activities. When this HIV advances to AIDS, the symptoms are more notable. Among them is weight loss, which happens to the whole body, very frequent or recurrent infections. All these symptoms evolve over different times, and this noticing them early is important to allow for early medication. Transmission The most common wa ...
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