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Internal Communication 1

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Running head: INTERNAL COMMUNICATION Research in Motion (RIM): International Communication Name Course Professor Date 1 INTERNAL COMMUNICATION 2 Research in Motion (RIM): International Communication The mediums of communication applicable There are two primary mediums of communication which will be used in this communication. One of the mediums is memos while the second medium is the use of emails. The main purpose of using memos is because it is capable of being used to reach a wide range of audience. For instance, since it will be necessary to communicate with all employees about a wide range of concerns, the use of memos will be most appropriate. When a memo is used, it is possible to summarize the information in such a manner that will make it easily accessible to all the employees. One of the advantages which makes the use of memos suitable in this case is that memos are easy to produce and they are also easy to read since they are not loaded with many words (Guffey & Loewy, 2012). However, since there are only a few senior executives working for the organization and it would be possible to reach out to them. The most suitable medium for reaching senior executives is the use of emails. At their level, it would be possible to draft emails which will be directed at each senior executive. The first benefit of this medium is that it will affirm to the senior executives that the management recognizes their rank and status in the organization. Additionally, the use of em ...
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