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13806960 14 Whistle Blowing

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Texas A & M University
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Running head: WHISTLEBLOWING 1 Whistleblowing Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date WHISTLEBLOWING 2 Whistleblowing Nearly every organization across the world has business rules. In an organization, the organizational structure does not only provide the order of command but also, in some way, defines the roles of every employee and informs the communication order of different issues affecting smooth running of the organization. The employees may trace wrongdoings in the organization and decide to remain silence. However, some of the employees may decide to communicate such wrongdoings to their immediate supervisors while other employees may decide to report to the public such a wrong doing. Wrongdoings range from corruption to ineptitude at workplace or the infringement of employees rights by the employer. Whistleblowing concerns the activities by an employee or external entity to communicate to the public such wrongdoings in an organization without following the laid communication structures. It is notable that the employees must demonstrate professional ethics at all times. However, it should be inappropriate for an employee to trace some bad dealings or any other form of unwarranted behavior and fail to report. Like in many other fields, nurses encounter ethical dilemma when they encounter such practices. Every organization maintains organizational behavior that clearly demonstrates the conducts of the employees. Additionally, such organizational behavior t ...
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