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Medicare Documentation Reimbursement Of Nurse Practitioners

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Introduction  Nurse practitioners face challenges in Medicare      documentation and reimbursement They are reimbursed less than physicians It is hard to document NP care accurately They are subjected to unfair reimbursement policies It impacts NP role, health care, and patient outcome Equality and research into NP will solve the issue Medicare Documentation & Reimbursement Issues & the NP Role  NPs face difficulties in proper documentation  They have a problem insufficient documentation  They are unpaid for the service provided  Their service rate is below physicians rate  NPs reimbursements depend on physicians The Background on Medicare Documentation and Reimbursement Issues and NP  For a long time, NPs are     underpaid They are reimbursed less than physicians When both NPs and physicians see in-patients, NPs are not reimbursed Proper documentation is impossible NPs are required to bill under physicians Current status of NP and Documentation and Reimbursement  Nurse practitioners are     paid 85% of the physician rate To receive full payment, they bill under physicians Third-party payers generally pay NPs less than physicians NPs have more restrictive reimbursement policies "Incident to" sub-sum NPs documentation under physician data The Policy of How the NP is Reimbursed  Independent reimbursement policies:  The nurse practitioner is paid 85% of the physician’s     fee sc ...
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