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Arizona Christian University
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Running head: DISCUSSION POST 1 Discussion Post Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Instructor Date DISCUSSION POST 2 Discussion Post Post 1 The Schengen Agreement is a form of a treaty that signed on June 14, 1985, by European countries with aims of abolishing domestic borders to develop a Europe minus borders which were known as “Schengen Area.” Most of the immigration policy that has been established by the United States as of 2012 intended to welcome world wanderers to come and start a new life. The difference between Schengen agreements and contemporary immigration policy in the United States is that Schengen agreements aimed to abolish border control among member countries while President Trump Administrative policy proposed to control Mexico immigration to control the rate of crimes through the construction of American-Mexico wall as a way of controlling the border. Both the Schengen Agreement and American Immigration policy played a significant role in controlling immigration within their borders by implementing the strategic procedure for asylums acquisition and registration as a means of curbing drugs trafficking and terrorism (Ferreira et al., 2019). The only way in which the United States should reconcile the establishment of borders with ideas of free market and globalization is through empowering of international economic and social institution. Such an institution will deliver the contours of the approach to free market and globalization that i ...
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