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Phase Shift

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Belhaven University
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Surname 1 Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date How to Accomplish Phase Shift Y-Delta Delta-Y Transformers in American Standard Phase shift in transformers depends on the number of windings that are on the core. Accordingly, there is a phase shift of 30 degrees between primary and secondary coils across the delta-wye or wye-delta transformers. As such, there is a 30 degrees lead by the delta side to the wye side or wye side act inversely. However, there is no phase shift from primary to secondary in wye-wye and Delta-Delta transformers (Córcoles, et al. 19). Transformer phase shift as well as the delta-wye transformer side that leads or lags is determined by how the delta is ‘closed’. Possible combinations that define how delta is closed include type DAB and type DAC. a) The DAB Type of Delta ‘Closing’ It is one of the methods used in the delta triangle closing. Here, phase A polarity connects to phase B non-polarity. Surname 2 Typically, a delta-wye transformer with Delta on its primary causes the delta to lead the wye side by 30 degrees which according to the American standards causes the primary side to lead the secondary low voltage by 30 degrees. b) The DAC Type of Closing It is the second type of closing the delta triangle, whereby phase A polarization connects to the phase C non-polarity side. Surname 3 Such a link causes a 30 degrees lag on the wye side by the delta side or a 30 degrees lead on the delta side. Such an occurrence is typical in ...
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