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Short Essay

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Political Science
Evergreen Valley College
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Running Head: THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION Short Essay Short Essay Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION 2 Part One There is a distinction between civil liberties and civil rights. Civil rights deal with fundamental right that gives us the freedom for equal treatment based on protected characteristics such as race (Tonnies, 2017). On the other hand, civil liberties concern freedoms given either through the constitution and bill of rights or interpreted through the years by the courts. Right to marry is an example of a civil liberty, and consequently, gay marriage is a matter concerning civil rights. In case the court decides not to give a couple a marriage license, there is a violation of civil liberties. If in any case, the clerk was the one who did not offer grants to the LGBT couples, there is a violation of civil rights. The plastic reindeer rule violates the lemon test since it supports religious elements exhibitions such as the Christmas tree. The Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty is not a violation of the amendment ban but shapes various procedures aspects related to the jury and how they put into usage the death penalty and how it is expected. Every law on the death penalty must support the standards of the constitution. The court introduces guidelines that assist in making determinations, and when reviewing if an action by the government violates the structure, level of scrutiny is first chosen. In this, the cour ...
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