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Harriet A Jacobs Slavery.edited 1x

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Jacobs 1 Name: Professor: Course: Date: Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Slavery is an injustice to humanity and cruelty to the people enslaved. As the writer of this text puts it, she says that: “...Reader, did you ever hate? I hope not. I never did but once; and I trust I never shall again. Somebody has called it "the atmosphere of hell;" and I believe it is so. Slavery is the act of owning fellow human beings and treating them as acquired property which can be sold in exchange for money or other slaves. Chattel slavery is whereby the slaves are owned forever, including their children and their subsequent generations. Ownership of such slaves is automatic without any negotiations. In the book Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl written by Harriet A Jacobs, she cites the many indicators that slavery is a significant injustice to the people who have been stripped of their rights and their dignity as human beings. Their lives are controlled and dictated by the masters and mistresses that own them. This, therefore, sees the girl living a life of misery and agony as she watches even the members of her family suffering at the hands of their owners. They are treated as commodities that lack any say whatsoever in their lives. They have no right to own anything and promises made to them can be broken since they lack any legal basis of binding them. She cites this by explaining how her grandmother lost her savings, saying that “…no promise or writing is given to a slav ...
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