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Dialogue Fictional Writing

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Running head: DIALOGUE FICTIONAL WRITING Dialogue Fictional Writing Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 DIALOGUE FICTIONAL WRITING 2 Dialogue Fictional Writing The dialogue below is based on a conversation between a father and his son. The father, Sean, is the CEO of an IT company and his son, who is a lawyer, has been working as the organization’s assistant legal consultant for the past two years. Sean has been diagnosed with lung cancer recently. He is not interested in getting any medical treatment. His son, Andrew, feels like Sean should seek all possible treatments instead of giving up on life. (Andrew enters his father’s office) Andrew: Do you have a minute? Sean: (chuckles while making a sarcastic response) I think I have more than a minute Andrew. The doctor did not give me a timeline but based on his diagnosis, you can be sure I will be here for the next months. Andrew: Could you stop joking about this. Sean: I miss our relationship. I want you to stop treating me like an invalid. I wish you could treat me like your father and your friend again. Andrew: But I thought you wanted me to stop interfering in your life, remember? You wanted to be in charge of your own health decisions. Sean: I need my son with me more than I need my personal space. Andrew: Have you had a full assessment conducted? It is possible that the image captured on the scan was an inflammation or a different infection. Maybe it is not a cancerous tumor. You should seek a second op ...
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