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20190626103457al Tech Merger.edited

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Running Head: INFLUENCE OF MERGERS ON EMPLOYEES INFLUENCE OF MERGERS ON EMPLOYEES Name of Author Institutional Affiliation Course Date 1 INFLUENCE OF MERGERS ON EMPLOYEES 2 INFLUENCE OF MERGERS ON EMPLOYEES Al-tech manufacturing has experienced a downturn in the market which has resulted in the reduction of sales and the total income. After some consideration, Al-tech's senior management decided to merge with Border manufacturing (a former rival) in a bid to improve profits and reduce the total administrative costs. After the merging of the company offices of the two companies, there was a need to initiate some layoffs. My team consisted of twelve members responsible for payroll administration, but after the merger, my boss was sent off together with four more members of my team A merger can be defined as a situation where two or more organizations come together to form one new organization seeking to utilize the pooled resources of the companies that have come together. The change that occurred in Al-tech manufacturing company can be classified as a Second Order-change. A second order-change is one that involves a transformation from one state to another new state. Al-tech’s merger with Border Manufacturing is a second order-change because it involves transforming the two company structures into a completely new and different structure. As a result of the merger, there have been several effects on members from both sides of the companies. Al-tech existed as a com ...
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