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SUNY at Binghamton
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Running head: HISTORY OF MODERN ART DESIGN History of Modern Art Design: Modernism Name Institution 1 HISTORY OF MODERN ART DESIGN 2 History of Modern Art Design: Modernism Manus (2004) defines art movement as an approach in the art that follows a particular ideology or aims at achieving a specific objective and which is followed by a group of artists within a particular time, usually years or decades. There is however no strict rules that determine what makes up an art movement except the fact that artists that associate with particular movement strictly adhere to guiding principles while those who belong to another share little in common. Art movements are historically crucial in grouping artist of a specific period or style, making it easy to understand them within a particular context. Grouping artist of similar interest and style into a specific movement is a characteristic of modern art that grew popular when each movement seemed to bring up a new concept in the field. While several art movements evolved in the 19th century, one significant movement was modernism (Manus, 2004). Modernism was essential in shaping the modern view of art. It emerged in the 1860s and lived through to 1970s and is characterized by deliberate deviation from what used to be the traditions in art and adopting innovative forms of expression that distinguished many styles in the 19th century's art (Cottington, 2005). For example, the Japanese art below by an anonymous person clearly show th ...
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