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Copernican Principle

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Running head: COPERNICAN PRINCIPLE1 Copernican Principle Author’s Name: Institutional Affiliation: COPERNICAN PRINCIPLE2 Copernican Principle Describing the history of science, the Copernican Principle plays an essential role in it as it represents a fundamental theoretical change in how intellects handled humanity's role in the world. According to scientist Nicolas Copernicus, the earth is not in an advantaged position in the solar system. Looking at the world through this principle removes some preconceptions about our relationship with the universe. The Copernican principle provides awareness of our unexceptional place in the galaxy, and people’s collective place in the universe when used in the traditional 3-D sense. People now have this in mind that the solar system, at first thought to be center of gravitational bound of dark matter, stars, interstellar gas stellar remnants and dust, is in reality in the suburban portions. The Copernican principal gives a clear understanding of the growing world, making people see that any place in the universe a person would view other galaxies diverting at swift speeds, clearly the same way as viewed here on earth. It makes people un ...
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