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Difference Between Skeptical Empiricism And Plain Empiricism

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Running head: SKEPTICAL EMPIRICISM AND PLAIN EMPIRICISM Skeptical empiricism and plain empiricism Author Institution Affiliation 1 SKEPTICAL EMPIRICISM AND PLAIN EMPIRICISM 2 Introduction Derived from the Greek word ‘empeiria,' empiricism is the view that knowledge originates from experience; hence, people apply it through experience. However, both Skeptical philosophy and everyday empiricism strive in search of knowledge and the truth, but they differ in the manner in which they look for and deal with the experience presented (Russell, P.2016). Skeptical empiricism refers to a state of doubt about the authenticity of knowledge. The meaning of skepticism is ‘to search’ which implies the tendency to search for understanding but not to find. (Fogelin, R. J. 2019). Therefore, skeptical empiricism has to do with someone who is continuously searching for truth and knowledge applies critical thinking to evaluate the truthfulness of something. On the other hand, everyday empiricism means expertise through experiments and scientists use it to refer to the conception that people acquire knowledge through the sensory experience, that is, the five senses. It argues that people gai ...
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