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Finance Discussion.

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Running head: FINANCE DISCUSSION Finance Discussion Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 FINANCE DISCUSSION 2 Finance Discussion Part 1 Throughout week six, we delved into capital budgeting analysis and its importance for organizations that undertake projects that are long-term in nature and that require huge capital outlays. There were many examples that we used from the real-world that allowed us to have a greater understanding of capital budgeting and its importance for firms. From capital budgeting and from my review from personal experience and financial literature, there are many projects that have failed in the past. The project that I identified was one by Apple Inc. during the 1990s. At the time, Apple was not as big as people know it today. The project that was Apple was developing was one where it wanted to provide consoles for video games so that it could compete with companies such as Sony in developing game consoles. At the start, Apple intended to make a console that would be inexpensive and that would be a fast multimedia platform for users in the market. The name of the console was the Apple Pippin Game Console and was expected to be one of the bigges ...
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