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Global Economic And Human Development 2

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Running Head: GLOBAL ECONOMIC AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Global Economic and Human Development Student’s Name Professor’s Name Institutional Affiliation Date GLOBAL ECONOMIC AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 2 Introduction The economic development is simply the continuous improvement of the stat of economy in a given region or country. The concept comes in when a nation is improving in the economic, political and the general social well-being of the people within the country. The level of economic development in the country is the main factor that determines whether a country is termed poor or rich. In this case we will be comparing two countries; the first one is United States of America which is the rich one and then it will be compared against Nepal. The level of economic development in these two countries is so different. United States is normally considered to be the world’s superpower in terms of development. Nepal on the other hand is among the countries considered to be third world in other words developing (UNDP, 2016). Human development on the other hand is basically the situation where the freedom of the individuals is enlarged and the opportunities are availed as well as improving their wellbeing. When there is human development within a country, the country will enjoy benefits like improvement in income, quality education, healthy living among other factors that eradicate things like poverty and go ahead to support the human rights in the country. There are several fac ...
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