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Application Of Total Quality Management

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Running head: QUALITY MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHIES Quality Management Philosophies Name Course Institutional affiliation Date 1 QUALITY MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHIES 2 Abstract For Deming, Juran and Crosby, they can be considered as the fathers of quality management because their philosophies apply universally to any organization. It is the universality of the quality management principles the trio proposed that lay ground to a blueprint of achieving quality, eliminating wastes and reducing costs. This paper will determine how quality management principles proposed by the trio have been applied to Madison, Wisconsin's City case study through their management practices. This paper analyzes the impact of Deming's quality management concept on the internal and external stakeholder cultures. This paper further analyzes how Crosby's zero defects theory could be used to improve the services provided by government agencies. The paper concludes that quality management can be achieved if an organization's top management as the policymakers, program developers and decision makers define the quality. Quality management philosophies In response to the changing climate in Madison, Wisconsin, the city government resolved to applying quality management philosophies of Juran, Deming and Crosby. The city government applied quality management philosophies to address the shrinking revenues and improving productivity as well as offering better services to its residents. For Deming, he proposed a phil ...
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