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DAD 220 Module Three Major Activity Database Chris Thorpe

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DAD 220 Module Three Major Activity Database Documentation Template
Christopher Thorpe
Step One: Create a Database
1. In your integrated development environment (IDE), create a database schema called
QuantigrationRMA. List out the database name. Provide the SQL commands you ran to
successfully complete this in your answer, then connect to it:

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2. Using the ERD as a reference, create the following tables with the appropriate attributes and
a. A table named customers in the QuantigrationRMA database as defined on the project
ERD. Provide the SQL commands you ran against MySQL to complete this successfully in
your answer:
1.CREATE TABLE Customers (
-> CustomerID INT,
-> First_Name VARCHAR (25),
-> Last_Name VARCHAR (25),
-> Street VARCHAR (50),
-> City VARCHAR (50),
-> State VARCHAR (25),
-> ZipCode INT,
-> Telephone VARCHAR (15));

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DAD 220 Module Three Major Activity Database Documentation Template Christopher Thorpe Step One: Create a Database 1. In your integrated development environment (IDE), create a database schema called QuantigrationRMA. List out the database name. Provide the SQL commands you ran to successfully complete this in your answer, then connect to it: 2. Using the ERD as a reference, create the following tables with the appropriate attributes and keys: a. A table named customers in the QuantigrationRMA database as defined on the project ERD. Provide the SQL commands you ran against MySQL to complete this successfully in your answer: 1.CREATE TABLE Customers ( -> CustomerID INT, -> First_Name VARCHAR (25), -> Last_Name VARCHAR (25), -> Street VARCHAR (50), -> City VARCHAR (50), -> State VARCHAR (25), -> ZipCode INT, -> Telephone VARCHAR (15)); A table named orders in the QuantigrationRMA database as defined on the project ERD. Provide the SQL commands you ran against MySQL to complete this successfully in your answer: CREATE TABLE Orders ( -> OrderID INT, -> CustomerID INT, -> SKU VARCHAR(20), -> Description VARCHAR(50)); b. A table named rma in the QuantigrationRMA database as defined on the project ERD. Provide the SQL commands you ran against MySQL to complete this successfully in your answer: CREATE TABLE RMA ( -> Reason VARCHAR(25), -> RMAID INT, -> OrderID INT, -> Status VARCHAR(50), -> Step VARCHAR(15)); 3. Edit the provided SQL query to update your existing table from ...
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