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PHI103 Ashford Week 5 Informal Logic Philosophy Quiz

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Ashford University
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Move To... This element is a more accessible alternative to drag & drop reordering. Press Enter or Space to move this question. Question 1 1 / 1 pts Since all philosophers are seekers of truth, it follows that no evil human is a seeker after truth, since no philosophers are evil humans. True or False: The statement, “no evil human is a seeker after truth,” is the conclusion. Correct! True False Move To... This element is a more accessible alternative to drag & drop reordering. Press Enter or Space to move this question. Question 2 1 / 1 pts The statement “If you come with me, then we can go shopping” is a __________. conjunction disjunction Correct! conditional none of these Move To... This element is a more accessible alternative to drag & drop reordering. Press Enter or Space to move this question. Question 3 1 / 1 pts Which of the following is an effective way to critique a deductive argument? Correct! Use the same form and create an example that has true premises and a false conclusion. Use a different form and create a counterexample. Demonstrate that the deductive argument is weak. Critique the strength of an inductive argument. Move To... This element is a more accessible alternative to drag & drop reordering. Press Enter or Space to move this question. Question 4 1 / 1 pts Deciduous trees are trees that shed their leaves. Maple trees are deciduous trees. Thus, maple trees will shed their leaves at some point during the growing season. True or ...
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