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Gen Y Draft

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Reedley College
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Hamza Khan is a marketing professional belonging to the Generation Y or
Millenial cohort. Generation Y was born between the 1980s and around the year 2000.
This generation of people is defined by their preference for freedom and flexibility,
familiarity with technology, connectivity, creativity, and individuality. Unfortunately, many
employers misinterpret their characteristics as selfish, entitled, and immature because
Gen Y does not adhere to the traditional work ethics and lifestyle. Hamza has faced the
same issue during his early professional years. He got nagged and harassed by his
boss because he was not at his desk before 9 am. His boss was more concerned about
monitoring his hours than his work. Before he quit that job, Hamza spent two weeks
arriving at work 15 minutes before 9 am and watched movies all day on his work
computer. Suddenly, his boss was really happy with him and never even bothered to
check if he was even working. Hamza points out that that is what is wrong with the
traditional workplace. The traditional workplace is so concerned with discipline and
obedience that it ignores productivity and creativity. Hamza argues that the millennial
generation realizes this problem and instead prefers a workplace that gives them the
flexibility and the tools to reach their full potential and unleash their productivity.
The Gen Y or Millennial generation is always connected through technology and
is highly mobile. Therefore, they prefer flexible work hours and objective/task-oriented
employers or management so they can work from anywhere they want. They find
micromanagement to be degrading and humiliating. Instead, they want leaders who can
give them freedom, power, encouragement, and flexibility to work at their own pace as
long they complete the job on time. Once their needs are fulfilled the Millenial
employees become highly creative and productive. As a result, Hamza highlights the
need for leaders and not managers in today’s workplace. Gen Y makes up over 50% of
the global workforce today and if employers want to get the most out of them, they need
to change how they have been managing employees.
I fully agree with the video and hate micromanagement by employers as well. I
cannot imagine how any self-respecting adult can stand being humiliated by a boss for
petty and inconsequential things such as arriving before 9 am. I believe that as long as
you get the job done on time, nothing else matters. It does not matter if you arrive on
time, leave early, take a break, work on a side project, etc. The only thing a boss should
be concerned about is achieving the objective and getting the job done. Such
empowerment and freedom make people love their job and give their best for their
employers. Hamza makes the same point in his video. The point that I found most
interesting in the video was that Hamza spent two whole weeks watching movies at
work and his boss never even realized it. Instead, he was happy that he arriving to work
on time. Instead of focusing on productivity and work done, he was more worried about
hours logged in. It’s funny but also sad and frustrating. That is what is wrong with many
bosses today.

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Hamza Khan is a marketing professional belonging to the Generation Y or Millenial cohort. Generation Y was born between the 1980s and around the year 2000. This generation of people is defined by their preference for freedom and flexibility, familiarity with technology, connectivity, creativity, and ...
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