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Running head: TEAM WORK 1 Team Work Students Name Institution Date TEAM WORK 2 Productivity is an average measure of production efficiency. Teams refer to a group of people who accomplish goals by working in unison. No matter how an organization is productive, there are still other ways that can be used to increase or access team productivity to a whole new level. There are different ways in which team productivity can be obtained. Team members should be given a chance to make their own decisions and make them accountable for their work. Accountability for one's work induces a sense of responsibility, thus impacting the performance of the whole team (Kaplan & Norton, 2005). Setting communication expectation is also crucial to accessing team productivity. Effective communication leads breeds a lot of success in any organization. Knowing the team members strengths and weaknesses are essential. Everyone has some talent or gifts that can be put into good use, and this enhances the productivity of the team. Teams need coordination of all colleagues for it to excel. Coordination unites all the members to bring together their endeavors so that they can accomplish a common object ...
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