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Violent Video Games Cause Violence In Teenagers Revision

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Troy University
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Zhang 1 LingYi Zhang Dr. Linda Clemmer ENG1101 24 July 2019 Violent video games cause violence in teenagers Video game is one of the most entertaining technological innovation of the 21st century. Quite a large percentage of young people across the world. Including teenager play different types of video games. The video games are very interesting, entertaining and are the perfect way of spending leisure time among the teenager. Leisure activity has some impacts on a teenager (American Psychological Association, N.P). Quantifiable research associate video games to traits like violence among some youths who play video games a lot. Teenagers are biologically aggressive, citing to the physiological changes in their body. Teenagers are highly reactive to what they see and hear, and video games are one of the most impactful forms of entertainment that teenager reacts to. Violent video games make teenagers develop violent behavior, as well. This context argues in support of a statement that video games cause violence among the teenager. According to Lenhart et al., more than 97% of teenagers in the US play video games (8). The trend is similar in many first world countries and a comparatively lower percentage reported in many other countries. The played video games include computer games, console games played with handheld control devices, mobile games, and tablets games as well. Video games have caused some aspects of violence among adolescents. Reportedly, more than 85% of video g ...
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