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Indian Removal Act Of 1830

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Chamberlain Univeristy
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1 The Indian Removal Act Of 1830 Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 2 The Indian Removal Act Of 1830 The Indian Removal Act marked a significant turnaround on the legitimate and political privileges of the American Indians since its ratification was the end of respecting these rights. Primarily, the legislation gave the president and the government the authority to grant Indians and any Native American unsettled western plain land in exchange for their appropriate areas within state borders where the ethnic groups were to be removed (Perdue, 2012). Indians would no longer live in those states under their laws as they were compelled to assimilate to concede to US law or abandon their homeland. Typically, the rationale which President Jackson utilized was that American citizens were superior compared to the natives (OpenStax, 2019). This granted them a right to invade on their fundamental rights, including relocating them to locations that were deemed undesirable for the white man. Another reasoning the president could have utilized was that US law was supreme. Any person living in the US was bound by it and could not live or operate under any other law. Ideally, the remov ...
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