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Surname 1 Name of student Professor’s name Course title Date What’s Marshal McLuhan’s view on technology? How could we all be blinded by what McLuhan terms as the medium? A medium according to McLuhan is the channel via which content flows through, and the content is the information that we receive as the end users. McLuhan relates content to a juicy piece of meat used by a thief to lure the watchdog, which is our mind, as the thief, who is the medium changes us. I do agree with McLuhan’s view of technology, that the medium has had a grave effect on us, it has changed our brains functioning, people are addicted to it and that people have no right to blame it for the ill effects it causes. However, I disagree with his view that content is of less importance when compared to the medium. The medium has changed how our brains function. The brain helps man adopts to change that happens in our environment, and the medium is part of this environment. McLuhan states that he saw the change in how people behave every time the medium changed, that is, from text to television and to radio (Carr, 2010). However, people were too glued to the content that they were blind to see what the m ...
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