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Running Head: GENETIC INFORMATION NON DISCRIMINATION ACT Genetic Information Non Discrimination Act Name Institution Date 1 GENETIC INFORMATION NON DISCRIMINATION ACT 2 Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act The United States government has put in place regulations that ensure the smooth running of health care operations. These regulations are enforced and implemented at the federal, state, and local government levels. Such a strategy ensures that health care practitioners and their organizations have minimal opportunity for non-compliance as they are subject to regular inspections. CDC, CMS, and FDA are the primary federal regulatory bodies. States use public health units, licensing boards, and insurance officers as their regulatory bodies, which is similar to what the local governments use (Delk, 2015). Both government and non-government organizations are involved in the United States health care sector. This report focuses on the Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act that seeks to ensure all citizens can work and live freely in spite of their genetic composition. Official Title of the Law The Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act (GINA ) is a federal law enacted by the 110th United States Congress in 2008, statute 881, Title 1, section 101-106 and Title 2, section 201-213, and 301-302. There are only two states that have not passed genetic discrimination laws; Mississipi and Washington. They are however required to comply with the GINA act. Of the other ...
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