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Workplace Values And Norms

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Running head: WORKPLACE VALUES AND NORMS Course code Course name Assignment number, Design a Workplace Values and Norms Reference Tool Student ID Student’s name Instructor’s name Date 1 WORKPLACE VALUES AND NORMS 2 Workplace Values and Norms The work environment is at ABC aeronautics coupled with risky materials which if not handled well could lead to serious accidents. The discretion behind the characteristics of such materials makes it difficult to implement pre-cautionary measures pertaining to the use of such materials. Nevertheless, it is mandatory to keep a high work ethic while using such materials to conduct complex research and development. This can only be enabled by creating a set of norms and values which should guide all employees into safe usage of the mentioned materials. The adherence to these norms and values should create a healthy work environment that maintains the interest of employees and the organization at large (Hammer, 2004). Below is a reference tool that entails the norms and values that should be applied by new and existing employees to ensure job satisfaction at ABC. Power Distribution These sets of norms and values are indicative of the relationship that exists between the management and employees at ABC. They define the levels to which power can be exerted or retracted in the ABC workplace. • An employee is allowed to disagree with or question the manager. Nobody reserves the right to be extremely right at all times. • Th ...
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