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ITEC625, Summer 2019 HW 1 assigned: WK1, Monday, 20 May, 2019 Due: Midnight, WK2, Sunday, 2 June, 2019 (2 weeks) Dr. Sophia Scoggins Please add your answers to this document. Put your name on the file name and below. Even though I didn’t post the actual sheets, I had gone through the Q&A during WK1 and WK2 classes. Use my “ITEC625_HW1_Helpful_info.doc” to construct your answer, but not use my helpful info as it is, otherwise you get 0 point for the part that you didn’t rewrite it. Your answer needs to be thorough and yet concise. The key points to be included are in my helpful info document. No bullet point. All bullet points must be written to a complete sentence. Each question is expected to be one to two pages in single space, 10-12 font Times New Roman. Please submit your answer in MS-word, so I can mark comments within your answers. Drawings can be in power point or pdf and alike as a separate file, or cut & paste into the MS word file. Student’s name: ___________________ Grade: Q1 -- /30, Q2 -- /15, Q3 -- /15, Q4 -- /40. Total -- /100. Q1: Describe the major components of a desktop or laptop personal computer later than year 2005. There should be four categories. Each category has many components. Some components, such as CPU has many more components. You must provide at least a complete sentence to describe this component. [Hint: Dr. Scoggins’ WK1 slides and HW1_Helpful_Info.doc] (25%) A1: Hardware components The CPU is the unit of a computer which does m ...
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Very useful material for studying!
