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Running head: LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA Legalization of Marijuana Institution Affiliation Date 1 LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA 2 Legalization of Marijuana Legalization of Marijuana has been a trending topic in the news as well as other platforms due to the debate of whether it should be legalized or not. If marijuana is legalized it will be accessible to most people even teenagers. In my opinion, marijuana should not be legalized. I base this opinion on the experience that I have had in the past with Marijuana. Growing up I saw my cousin get involved in Marijuana and it had a great impact on his wellbeing as that of the family. I would, therefore, hate to see the same happen to someone else. His parents were always busy at work and they would get home late at night and they, therefore, had no time to spend with their kids it was therefore hard to notice when my cousin started smoking marijuana. His health started to deteriorate so did his cognition. This affected his grades in school and they started dropping, it was until the parents were summoned to school that they were made aware of his addiction. He was also always paranoid, always thinking that the other people were out to ...
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