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Lab 11 Worksheet

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Maricopa Community Colleges - Rio Salado Community College
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Lab 11 Worksheet Name Institution Date Lab 11 Worksheet LABORATORY EXERCISE QUESTIONS ~~1. Identify the shape and Gram reaction of the following bacterium. (4 points) Click on image to enlarge. Shape – bacilli Gram reaction - gram-positive ~~2. Research pathogenic members of kingdom Eubacteria. Name three bacteria (scientific names) and the diseases they cause in humans. (6 points) a. Streptococcus (IT) pneumoniae (IT) – pneumonia and meningitis b. Bacillus (IT) anthracis (IT) – Causes anthrax. c. Clostridium (IT) botulinum (IT) ~~3. Are members of the kingdom Eubacteria single-celled or multicellular? (2 points) Members of kingdom Eubacteria are unicellular or single-celled with their nucleus not being enclosed in any membrane. ~~4. a. State two ways that humans purposefully use bacteria. (4 points) Food fermentation. b. Biogas production. ~~5. Research pathogenic members of kingdom Protista. Name three protists (scientific names) and the diseases they cause in humans. (6 points) a. Entamoeba (IT) histolytica (IT) - Causes Dysentery b. Plasmodium (IT) falciparum (IT) - Malaria c. Trypanosoma (IT) - Sleeping sickness ~~6. Do all members of the kingdom Protista possess flagella? Justify your answer. (4 points) No, all members of kingdom Protista do not possess flagella. Lab 11 Worksheet Kingdom Protista organisms are divided into three broad groups which are animallike protists, plant-like protists, and fungus-like protists. Animal-like protists and pla ...
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