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Executive Practical Connection Assignment

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Running Head: EXECUTIVE PRACTICAL CONNECTION ASSIGNMENT Executive Practical Connection Assignment Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 EXECUTIVE PRACTICAL CONNECTION ASSIGNMENT 2 UC has helped me develop various fundamental qualities that are intuitive and helped improve my performance within the workplace. The UC culture is unique and contains a myriad of qualities that help in the isolation of various important aspects of work. The qualities that I have acquired at EU have helped in the orientation of various decisions that I have made throughout my employment. For example, the deeply authentic and prominent theories that I have acquired during my time in EU have ensured that I develop critical skills that are important in the general efficiency of my services. For example, these theories have helped me in improving my relations with the employers, customers and my colleagues at work. The EU course has helped me understand the importance of both company and personal values. Personal values help in the dictation of the quality of my services. The provision of high quality services by individual employees result in the cumulative improvement of the quality of services ...
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