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Marymount College
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Running head: 1 Article Critique Author Name(s), First M. Last, Omit Titles and Degrees Institutional Affiliation(s) 2 Article Critique In their article, “Study protocol - resilience in individuals and families coping with the impacts of alcohol related injuries in remote indigenous communities: a mixed method study”, authors West, et al., attempt to answer various questions about the effect of alcohol injury on individuals. The study can be divided into two main parts: the study of alcohol injury and the study of resilience on the individual dealing with alcohol injury. The study focuses on a six-year time frame, before and after alcohol restrictions were put in place in the area. To start, the authors provide a thorough but concise explanation of the issue they are addressing. They also successfully correlate the two main segments of their study. Following this introduction, the authors explain the scope of their research. It is outlined in five main questions: number and type of injury, role of alcohol, impact on individual and families, role of resilience, strategies that enhance resilience. The authors will use different scales to measure each hypothesis. Each method i ...
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