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US Customs

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Computer Hardware and software products that are imported into the United States would
fall within the trade guidelines of Dual Use. Considering its potential neglectful uses, thus, in
addition to obtaining a dual use license, trade issues and legal implications would be the two
elements encompassed with the overall strategic plan. Two elements that could be considered in
addition to the above mentioned information is property trade issues and ruling and legal
implications. According to the US CBP, organizations that are based and operate within or
abroad from the United States must obtain a valid business license, such so is the same for
software companies selling through the use of the internet. How would the US government track
sales from organizations based outside of the US jurisdiction is the question; enforcing such
compliance may be politically compromising. However, within the US, all operations require a
business license; thus, questionable practices can be effectively discovered through regulatory
compliance auditing (Customs, 2014).
Customs, U. (2014, May 31th). Internet Purchases. Retrieved from United States Customs and
Border Protections:

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Computer Hardware and software products that are imported into the United States would fall within the trade guidelines of Dual Use. Considering its potential neglectful uses, thus, in addition to obtaining a dual use license, trade issues and legal implications would be the two elements encompasse ...
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