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Ancient Africa And Its Literature 2

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1 Ancient Africa and its literature Student’s Name Course Date 2 Introduction It is a common problem for many historians who venture into analyzing the history of medieval and ancient Africa especially when the continent had no written literature. It especially between 800 CE - 1500 CE, the medieval and ancient Africans communicated their culture through oral means. As such, little written literature can be obtained from visitors who visited ancient visitors at that time. Such literatures can be misleading since they are written from a visitor perspective. As such, they may lack the significance of truth in the facts presented in them. They can also be imbalanced to misleading misjudgment which bend the current scholars in understanding the medieval and ancient African, Africans as well as their culture in a negative perspective. The following is an analysis of Insights of the Black African Race (Zanj race) as they interact with the Arab World on the potential challenges in the articulation and interpretation of the recorded data in this text about the lives and culture of the Zanj as they interact with the Arabs. Analysis Currently, the Middle East has been a target for many people from different nationalities due to the constant economic environment in this region. For the previous century, many people have migrated there making the Middle East a place for culture blend as many and many people over the world are migrating to the Middle East. Therefore, there is a sha ...
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