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EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS 1 Employment Relations Name: Institution: Date: EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS 2 Select a company in Oman which you are familiar with or interested in. Write the company’s background that critically assesses the effective employee relationship and conflict management. Introduction Employee-employer relation is a field that describes the terms and conditions which employees can perform their sociological, economic and psychological needs in the working environment. The government and the legislative system often dictate the relations. The system reflects the ideologies of the government in power. For example, In Oman, they have a market-oriented ideology. The employee relations look at all the matters that connect employees and the employer. It looks at how employees can negotiate for job positions, and salaries. It looks at remuneration and the conditions for one to be an employee in a company. It involves the process of preventing and solving disputes between employer and employees. Maintaining good employee relations in a company is vital for organizational success. Relations increase the company's productivity and satisfy humans. They ensure that there is no conflict of interests which may affect work being done at the office. Several factors make employers and employees relate well. Effective communication between the management and the employees help reduce conflicts and solve disputes. Employee motivation encourages the employees to be more loyal, and ...
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